InzheStroy LLC

Project dates
14.04.2019 – 15.05.2019

GU 22N Larssen pile sheet vibration driving

SVR 24 VM and ICE 1423C vibro hammers
Galichanin 32 t truck crane
RDK-250 crane
Pipe driving
Ø219-1320 mm and tubular piling
Static-load Larssen sheet pile pressing
Installation of pit shoring systems and sheet pile belts
Installation of in-situ piles
Concrete pile driving
geological information
quantity of work
work conditions
length of piles
We work all year long throughout Russia even in confined conditions.
We select the equipment and sheet piles, taking into account geological conditions and the load specified in the project. We are always able to offer an alternative, more economical sheet piles from the European manufacturers.
We save your money and never charge extra. We are responsible for every ruble spent.
Full documentary support during execution of work. Construction foreman maintains all the logs; we provide all the required documents after completion of the work.
We help you with engineering and construction design supervision.
We always have sheet piles at our warehouse.
On request, we can organize work around the clock seven days a week. We can use up to 4 vibratory pile drivers simultaneously.
Proper planning of work, own material and technical base, experienced staff, and a 12-hour work day. We are motivated for a quick and quality work. There is no such quality at this price in the market.
Experienced staff, their qualification is confirmed by the necessary certificates. We will provide you with the copies of all the documents.
We carefully select and buy the best quality material and carefully monitor its condition, so it will not jam up in interlocks and create any unnecessary delays during the work.
We constantly and meticulously work on quality and improve with each new project. We work in tandem with customers and quickly solve all issues.
We can provide a reference from any of the previous projects of your choice.
Max load moment - 60.8 t/m
Max load capacity - 16 tons
Boom length - 9.7-21.7 m
Max hook height - 21.7 m
InzheStroy LLC
Project dates
14.04.2019 – 15.05.2019
GU 22N Larssen pile sheet vibration driving
SVR 24 VM and ICE 1423C vibro hammers
Galichanin 32 t truck crane
RDK-250 crane
Techstroy-Chernozemye LLC
Project dates
20.03.2019 – 28.03.2019
VL605A 73,440 t Larssen sheet pile static load pressing
Giken F3 SPU-S static load press
25 t truck crane
Project dates
12.03.2019 – 16.03.2019
L5 UM 43,730 t Larssen sheet pile static load pressing
Giken F3 SPU-S static load press
32 t truck cranes
Project dates
20.12.2018 – 28.01.2019
Vibro driving and extraction of 14,75 t VL606A Larssen sheet piles. Assembly and removal of a gripper system girth.
ICE 1423С vibro hammer
Locomo and Compact Track CT-2 35 t cranes
SoyuzTeploStroy LLC
Project dates
17.11.2018 – 28.12.2018
Static load pressing of 294,6 t of ESZ 28-700 Larssen sheet piles
Giken SP SCZ 675 and Giken SP ECO 700S static load presses
Galichanin 25 t truck crane
United Bridge Building Company LLC
Project dates
28.04.2018 – 07.08.2018
L5 UM Larssen sheet pile static load pressing, pilot drilling. Sheet pile extraction. Materials delivery.
Giken Silen Piler F3 static load press
Isuzu-driven Aichi drilling unit
Galichanin 32 t truck crane
Stroytek LLC
Project dates
09.06.2018 – 15.06.2018
Vibration driving of 44 tons of AZ 13-770 44 sheet piles and LV22 rotation parts. Girth and breaking system assembly.
Muller 16 HFV vibro hammer
Galichanin 32 t truck crane
Farma Group LLC
Project dates
30.11.2017 - 06.06.2018
Material delivery. VL606A Larssen pile driving. Girth and breaking system assembly. Girth removal. Sheet pile extraction.
Muller 16 HFV vibro hammer
Galichanin 32 t truck crane
SU25 Mosasfaltostroy
Project dates
04.02.2016 - 03.08.2016
Works performed
Delivery of 1233 tons of L4, L5, Vl 606A sheet piles
Driving and extraction of 1233 tons of L4, L5, Vl 606A sheet piles (2 phases)
Vibratory and impact driving of 350 mm concrete piles
Vibratory pile driver ICE 1423 CM, Muller 20 Crane 32 tons (Galichanin), 25 tons (Klintsy) wheel-mounted diesel hammer SPM -1.8
Project dates
Works performed
Installation of 120 tons of L4 and VL 606A sheet piles
Vibratory pile driver ICE 1423 CM
Crane 32 tons (Galichanin)
Spets Stroy
Project dates
10.08.2015 - 23.08.2015
Works performed
Delivery of 65 tons of 377*9 pipe, L=7 m
Installation of 65 tons 377*9 pipe, L=7 m
Auger truck AICHI D 501
Crane 16 tons
Project dates
21.10.2015 - 12.12.2015
Works performed
Extraction of 270 tons of L4, L5, VL606A sheet piles
Vibratory pile drivers Muller 20 and OZKANLAR DT200T
Cranes 32 tons (Galichanin) and 55 tons (Liebherr)
Project dates
20.05.2016 - 23.05.2016
Works performed
Extraction of 82 tons of AU18 sheet piles
Vibratory pile driver OZKANLAR OVS 24
Crane 32 tons (Galichanin)
“Stroytransgrup” and “Trest Gidromontazh”
Project dates
10.04.2016 - till now
Works performed
Delivery of 592 tons of VL603Z sheet piles
Driving and extraction of this tonnage four times (2368 tons)
Vibratory pile drivers ICE 1423CM and RTS23
Crane RDK25
Project dates
Works performed
Delivery of 96 tons of VL606A sheet piles
Driving and extraction of sheet piles
Vibratory pile driver ICE 1423CM
Crane 32 tons
Firma Mebe CJSC
Project dates
19.02.2015 - 28.08.2015
Works performed
Delivery of 284 tons of PU 12/10, AU - 18, VL606A sheet piles
Delivery of 45 tons of beam and pipe for strutting system
Driving and extraction of sheet piles, installation of strutting system, ground excavation
Vibratory pile drivers Muller 24 and ICE 18RF-ts
Cranes: 60 tons (Galichanin), 35 tons (Ivanovets)
RZDStroy and Noviy Proekt LLC
Project dates
17.09.2015 - 19.12.2015
Works performed
Delivery of 320 tons of L-4,VL606A sheet piles
Driving of 320 tons of sheet piles (4 phases)
Leader drilling
Vibratory pile drivers ICE 1423 CM, FOSTER 4200, MULLER 15
Cranes 32 tons (Galichanin), 55 tons Liebherr
Transneft and ArtikGidroStroy
Project dates
25.05.2016 - 12.06.2016
Works performed
Driving and extraction of sheet piles
Vibratory pile driver OZKANLAR OVS 24
Crane 32 tons (Galichanin)
SK Stalstroy
Project dates
Works performed
Delivery of 132 tons of VL606A, VL604n sheet piles
Driving of sheet piles
Vibratory pile driver Movax 80
Project dates
26.06.2016 - 29.06.2016
Works performed
Extraction of 82 tons of VL606A sheet piles
Vibratory pile driver ICE 1423 CM
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The buildings of the car unloading device together with the technological equipment. Some of the piles were idled up to 15 meters. Drilling was carried out, including during the period of extremely low temperatures -20-25
Eco Holding LLC Moscow, Sosenskoye settlement, near the village of Nikolo-Khovanskoye. Vibration loading of the Larsen sheet pile EZ 18 for the KNS device. Vibrating loader MKT 35 V, crane 50 tons
JSC "Nevsky Project" St. Petersburg, Kubinskaya street. Vibration loading of the Larsen sheet pile AZ 13-770 for the VOC device based on the operation of the Southern section of the ZSD. Vibrating loader MKT 35, KRUPP crane 70 tons
LLC "Engineering systems" Ufa, construction of the family shopping center "MEGA" UFA. Vibration loading of 117 tons of Larsen sheet pile VL606A. Vibrating loader ICE 815 C, crane RDK 32 t
The basis of Development is the immersion of the Larsen VL606A sheet pile by the method of vibration immersion and static indentation. Moscow, Prospekt Mira, 119, VVC, reconstruction of the Metallurgy pavilion. Vibratory loaders ICE 1423C, MKT V-20, installation of static indentation: F3 SP-150, cranes Galichanin 32 t, Galichanin 25 t.
Petrostroyrhythm – Static indentation of the Larsen VL606A tongue. St. Petersburg, reconstruction of the buildings of the Mariinsky Hospital. Installation of static indentation Giken SP-150, crane Ivanovets 25t
Petrostroyrhythm – Static indentation of the Larsen VL606A tongue. St. Petersburg, reconstruction of the buildings of the Mariinsky Hospital. Installation of static indentation Giken SP-150, crane Ivanovets 25t
Larsen sheet pile immersion AZ 13-770, Yaroslavl, Yunosti Square, 2, Muller MS 16 HFV, crane "Galichanin" 32 t
Larsen sheet pile excavation Vl606a, L=6 meters, power line support, Yaroslavsky district Ivanovsky perevoz, Ozkanlar OVS-24, Galichanin 32 t
Larsen sheet pile immersion AU-18, L=12 meters, Dmitrovsky district, strengthening of the roadway, Muller HSV-20, Galichanin 25 t
Larsen sheet pile immersion Au-20, L=12 meters, construction of the bridge St. Petersburg Novolisino, ICE1423-c, RDC25
Larsen sheet pile immersion VL603k, L=7 meters, construction of bridge supports, LO der. Voiskorovo, Junntan 25, crane RDK25
Immersion of Larsen sheet pile Vl606a, L=10m, bridge supports road M11 LO der. Yam-izhora, ICE1423-c, crane Ivanovets 36tn
Larsen sheet pile immersion L-4, L=8 meters, slope reinforcement, Moscow, 8th Sokolinaya Gora str., 28, ICE1423-c, Galichanin 32 t
Larsen sheet pile immersion L5 um, L=6 meters, strengthening of the railway track, Moscow 8th Sokolinaya Gora str. 28, ICE1423-c, Galichanin 32 t
Larsen sheet pile immersion, vl606a, L=12 meters, VOC device at the defense plant, Ulyanovsk, Moskovskoe shosse 54, ICE1423-c, Galichanin crane 32 t
Immersion and excavation of 124 tons of Larsen L4 sheet pile, lead drilling, immersion of concrete piles 350*350. Rostov region, the village of Razvilnoye, Vibration loader: ICE 1423C, ICE 4430 Galichanin 32T, KS-35T Aichi D501
Погружение двутавровой балки, лидерное бурение. Тамбов, строительство ТЦ «РИО-2». ЛЕД 1423C, Zoomlion 40т, Aichi D501
Immersion of the Larsen VL606A sheet pile, installation and dismantling of the strapping belt. Saint Petersburg, Kurortny district. Ozkanlar OVS-24, Anton, Galician 32t
Immersion and excavation of the Larsen VL606A sheet pile. Ulyanovsk, Moskovskoe highway, a pit under the KNS, ICE 1423C, ICE 14RF, Ozkanlar OVS-24, Galician 32t
Immersion and excavation of the Larsen VL606A sheet pile. Ulyanovsk, Moskovskoe highway, a pit under the KNS, ICE 1423C, ICE 14RF, Ozkanlar OVS-24, Galician 32t
Immersion and excavation of the Larsen VL606A sheet pile, material supply. Voronezh Region, EFS-14, RDK-25t
Immersion and excavation of the Larsen VL606A sheet pile, material supply. Voronezh Region, EFS-14, RDK-25t
Step 1
You leave your inquiry
on our website or by phone.
Step 2
Our specialist
specifies your needs.
Step 3
You approve commercial
Step 4
You point at the necessary contract alterations and pay advance.
Step 5
We start working on
your project.
Step 6
We guarantee quality of our work.
197022, Saint Petersburg, 6A Aptekarsky Prospekt, office 4-N
Е-mail: order@lrpn.ru
Tel. multichannel for all questions:
+7(812) 439-16-23
Moscow, Reutov, Lenin street, d.1a of. 418
Е-mail: order@lrpn.ru
Tel: +7 (812) 627-16-49